D*Face defines his work as - aPOPcalyptic – “a metaphorical backdrop for the corruptive persuasive consumerist folly that has been force fed into society.” His narratives reflect popular culture, the American dream and the false ideal of good triumphing over evil, and his powerful imagery presents a moral dilemma for his viewers to embrace, reject, laugh or deny.
For “Going Nowhere Fast”, DFace challenges society’s fascination with celebrity through his satirical exploration of fame, power and material-obsessed culture. Transforming the gallery into a multi-media vault of aPOPcalyptic new works, DFace immortalizes the deaths of America’s most illustrious icons from Andy Warhol to Michael Jackson with an all-star milieu of new paintings, sculptures and installations. Also on display will be “Flutterdies”, an unusual sculpture series fashioned from authentic butterflies and insects combined with spray can caps that D*Face has collected over the years. “Going Nowhere Fast” will culminate with a shocking red carpet experience on opening night.
Open to the public, the reception for “Going Nowhere Fast” will take place on Saturday, April 9 from 7:30 to 10pm, and the show will be on view until April 27, 2011. Following “Going Nowhere Fast”, D*Face will be a featured artist at BritWeek in Los Angeles (April 26-May 11, 2011), creating a major installation as part of its art program showcasing exceptional talent from the UK.
About DFace DFace is a London-based sculptor and street artist whose work features reoccurring themes about celebrity, fame, and mortality. Over the past decade, DFace’s artwork has been exhibited worldwide in galleries, museums, and on city streets. Influenced by punk music, graffiti, skateboarding, his work can be seen across a variety of different media applying his playful, tongue-in-cheek imagery with anti establishment values, and his early artistic inspirations include pop artists such as Lichtenstein, Haring and Warhol. In 2005, DFace set up the gallery StolenSpace, London’s foremost contemporary urban art gallery, and he continues to put his work illegally into the public domain. For more information about the artist, please visit www.dface.co.uk.
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